1.71 - Ceremony

1.71 - Ceremony

I think I’ve worn a robe once before; it was a bathrobe. I thought Nastas looked presentable, in his robe. I think I look insane in it. I might have enjoyed it more last night when I was high out of my mind. The fabric is nice, but I would feel better if I were wearing underwear. Edan is completely fine with it; aapparently,he goes commando if it’s not too hot or too cold. I don’t know why he felt the need to tell me that. I’m more of a commando than he is, and this is the first time I’ve ever left home without underwear.

Nastas has led the two of us to a meeting with other Meterorians. He’s promised that a deal has already been brokered and we only need to eat a meal then participate in a quick ceremony. Edan and I have been sitting in this empty restaurant with Nastas for nearly a half hour. He insisted we sit with our backs toward the door. It goes against everything I’ve been taught and with every passing moment, I grow more anxious.

“If you’re on time, you’re late. Being early is on time. Being late is unacceptable,” Nastas tells Edan as if that’s going to make him any less irritated.

Another fifteen minutes pass before a group of eight Meteorians enter the restaurant carrying large sealed containers. We exchange pleasantries and greetings. The military training on interspecies greetings helps a lot. Four of the Meterorians quickly enter the kitchen and begin cooking. I’m not sure if this is their restaurant or if it has been rented out for the occasion. Nastas exchanges stories with old friends, or maybe they’re new friends. Edan is quick to become friends with others, another skill of his that I envy. I’m relegated to laughing at jokes I don’t find entirely funny and pouring drinks with a smile. I’m just a highly trained member of bottle service who is hyper aware of his balls sticking to his thigh.  

Dinner is served, nothing that sets the taste buds into overdrive. The more exciting thing is the story that’s told. The fish that were cooked are from The Meteorian home world. However, The Draconian Empire destroyed their home world when they would not submit. One day a group returned to the remains of the planet. They found an untouched lake. Somehow the fish managed to survive and has become a symbol of Meteorian strength. In reality, someone probably smuggled the fish off planet during the escape. It’s flavorless, and the texture is terrible, but it isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever eaten. I just follow Edan’s lead and pretend it’s great. When the meal is done the laughs continue as we’re served a cake. The cake is the best tasting thing we’ve gotten this evening, more, the only thing with flavor. I’m grateful to taste something.

A large green fruit is brought out along with a red knife. The Meteorians begin to sing a song, as Edan and I sit respectfully. They tell a story of how friendships were formed during wars that lasted for eternities. One by one each stabs the knife into the strange fruit. Blood colored juice leaks out into an ornate silver bowl. When the fruit reaches me I take the knife. The handle is hot and seems to shift in my hand as I hold it. They claimed it was carved from the lava on their home planet but I thought it was just more legend. Holding the actual knife, there seems to be some kind of intense feeling linked to it. Maybe some kind of electrical current running through it, I’m not sure. Nastas and the other Meteorians smile as I hold the knife. I stab it into the fruit and the liquid gushes out. It’s been stabbed six times now, but the juice still flows freely, continuing to fill the bowl. I pass the bowl to Edan, and he continues. When the bowl makes it back to the first Meteorian more nice words are spoken, and another song is started. Each takes a large drink from the bowl, holding the juice in their mouth before passing the bowl. Only after they’ve passed the bowl do they swallow. The bowl arrives in my hand, and I do as the others have, and take a big drink. The juice is metallic, like blood, however it’s much sweeter; sweeter than any fruit I’ve ever tasted. I swallow and a warmth rushes over me, every muscle in my body seems to relax. I catch a glimpse of the others as I fight against sliding down in my chair. Some are laughing and enjoying it but others like me are having some kind of drug trip. Why does it seem like I get drugged every few days on this damn space station? Everyone just acts like drugs are candy around here. I try to focus my eyes and remain awake as the celebration continues but I can barely make out the words as I drift off to sleep.  

When I awake, just Edan and Nastas remain in the restaurant. I pull myself up in the chair trying to focus. The place is incredibly clean and while Nastas seems to be in a good mood, Edan is nursing a headache.

“You boys handled that better than I expected,” Nastas seems almost proud. “Most humans sleep for several days, he looks to Edan, “I suppose you have a high tolerance after his years of usage,” he turns to me, “and you’re just too stubborn of a bastard to stay out for long.”

Edan groans and forces himself to stand. “I’m going to eject you from the airlock.”

I dislike Nastas even more now. I’m sitting here with no underwear, trying to recover from being drugged, again. I was amazed that he’d be able to make a deal for so much stolen property so fast but now, I want to take him to prison. I’ve got half the mind to reenlist, just to lock him up.

“Hey Nastas,” I mumble the words.

“What is it? The juice will leave your system in the next half hour, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he seems calm yet smug.

“When it does, I’m going to kick molten your ass.”

“Then I shall take my leave,” Nastas exits, leaving us alone in the restaurant.

“I’ll order a cab, you try to stand up,” Edan says while barley holding himself up.


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